We don't sell or share your personal info that you share with us with third parties. The tools we use from Google will know who you are if you have a Google account and happen to be signed in. Also, Facebook will know who you are if you are signed into Facebook while visiting our site. You can find out how your info is used by those parties following the provided links. This is only shared if you have allowed any of those services to identify you online and off their platform. You are able to manage what Google keeps of your data at My Activity and info about your data settings at Facebook/Meta can be found here How do I manage my future off-Facebook activity?
If we do have your info and you would like us to rid our site of your info, email us with "please remove my info" in the subject line. Allow us reasonable time (5-7 business days) to accommodate your request.
Further, info from third parties connected and processing data from this website; All requests to this website start a session which stores the IP address in the session data and creates a session cookie in the user's browser. The IP address is used as a security measure to help protect against potential session hijacking attacks and this information is deleted once the session has expired and its data purged. The session cookie's name is based on a randomly generated hash and therefore does not have a constant identifier. The session cookie is destroyed once the session has expired or you have exited the browser. The site's logging system records the IP address of the visitor which leads to a message being written to its log files. These log files are used to record various activity on this site.
Authentication Cookie: This site creates a cookie in the user's browser if a "Remember Me" checkbox is selected when logging into the website. This cookie can be identified with a prefix and is used to automatically log users into the website when they visit and are not already logged in.
Google's reCAPTCHA: Google's reCAPTCHA system as a spam protection service. As part of this service, the IP address of the user answering the captcha challenge is transmitted to Google.
Ok, we're pretty sure that covers it.
By continuing to use this site you agree to these terms.